Happy Thanksgiving!
Rain, rain, go away. . . .It was still dumping rain this morning, so sadly, we didn’t get visited by our bird friends on the trees outside of the restaurant at breakfast. We also decided not to stick around for any more hot springs time, and instead took Aly to a few souvenir shops as promised. It was her first time bringing her own $$$ to shop with, and she was excited!
Then it was time to head out of La Fortuna to Manuel Antonio, which is a pretty long drive (about 4.5 hours). Again, the roads here are STEEP, winding, and narrow. The drive was. . . . interesting. Halfway through the drive, Aly started feeling queasy–partly from the winding roads, and partly from reading on her tablet–and sure enough, a few minutes later she got sick. It was at that point that I remembered the Dramamine we had brought for her–whoops! We also had to stop for gas on the way, and the stations here are full service! I’m not gonna lie, I hate pumping gas and wouldn’t mind if we had full service stations at home. A little later, we had to make a roadside pit stop for Aly to go to the bathroom. It’s no wonder we saw several people relieving themselves on the side of the road this week, as it’s not like there are rest stops along the way. We also drove some crazy, steep, gravel roads with ginormous pot holes that I wasn’t sure our little Hyundai would make it over, and finally got near our destination when we came to a dead stop. A boy whistling on the side of the road directed us down another side street, and after 20 minutes driving through a large banana farm, we came out on the other side of the traffic! Driving in Costa Rica is definitely not for the faint of heart.

We finally arrived at our next hotel, Si Como No, which had an amazing balcony off the lobby with a perfect view of the beach (!) and the pool with a waterslide!!!

We were all starving, so we went to Rico Tico, the hotel’s restaurant, expecting a Costa Rican menu, and instead were offered a 3 course special Thanksgiving menu. Noooooo! The dinner was pretty good, but I was definitely not expecting to celebrate Thanksgiving in Costa Rica. Last up for the night, Aly requested a little bit of pool time, so Chris took Aly to check out the waterslide. Do you sense a theme here?? Our girl loves her pool time, and Chris is generally happy to oblige her 🙂