Yay! No alarm or early wake up today! We lounged around for a bit this morning, then went down for our buffet breakfast, which is actually quite good as hotel breakfasts go. We opted to eat outside overlooking the beautiful ocean while the crazy winds blew through our hair-haha! Then we went for a family walk/hike in the direction that I ran yesterday. Aly wanted to see the horses, so first stop was the stables. We hung around for a bit, watching and talking to the horses as they snacked on grass.

Then we continued down the path so I could show Aly the amazing Banyan tree on property. Along the way, we saw a few people off the trail down on the beach, and when we peeked down where they were, we saw a rather large turtle hanging out right where the waves were crashing onto the rocks and beach. We watched the turtle for a bit, and then saw a monk seal a bit further down, so we got a little closer for Aly to see as well. After having seen one of these twice on our trip, I can say they always seem to look dead when laying on the beach, but they are apparently just really good at resting completely still (which I am certainly not used to with Aly!) We were told down by Aulani that they are considered endangered on the southern part of the island, but up here on the North Shore there are plenty. Aly and Chris were told on their walk that one in this area, Honey Girl, just had her 13th pup this spring!

Okay, back on track, and continuing on the trail towards the Banyan Tree. This tree is kinda famous and has been a filming location both the TV show “LOST”, as well as the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie, among others. The coolest thing about Banyan trees is their prop roots, which was become as large as the original tree, making it look like a whole family of trees, though it’s really just one.

We then started heading back to the resort, but I did want to show Chris the WW2 pillbox on the beach. Chris’ grandfather actually fought in WW2 and Chris is really interested in history, so I knew he would enjoy seeing this. Today, and to Aly, it just looks like a concrete box, but I can’t imagine being one of the young men positioned in there, looking out at the vast ocean and sky, waiting for the enemy. Certainly thinking about things like this, that really weren’t even that long ago, make us grateful for all that we have today.

We were all getting hot, and Aly was hungry (what’s new) so we boogied back to find some lunch. We drove down to Ted’s Bakery for some pie, and stopped at the roadside fruit stand on the way back, because we can’t have JUST pie for lunch. We ate on the balcony overlooking the ocean, and I’m pretty sure at least Aly and I were in agreement the the chocolate Haupia pie was our fave.

I wanted to hang out on the beach for a bit before the conference sessions this afternoon, so we went down, got our free snorkel gear at the hut, and jumped in the ocean. Aly tried snorkeling, but is not yet patient enough to just float around, so after a few minutes of looking at the sand decided it wasn’t for her. I swam out a bit and saw a few different fish, but the water was pretty hazy, probably from high tide rolling in. Back up to the conference for me, while Chris and Aly spent some more time at the ocean and then the pool.

For dinner tonight, we ate at Roy’s Beach House right here at the resort. It was pretty on par price wise with other places in Hawaii for a sit down restaurant. Our dinner was really good and the kid’s meal was great. Aly had 3 courses, the best being the ice cream sandwich at the end. Full and happy, and ready to see another island tomorrow.